Two Yogas - (Sunfa and Anfa) can Shower Wealth in Your Life.

Two Yogas - (Sunfa and Anfa) can Shower Wealth in Your Life.

According to, In Vedic Astrology, Yoga is a specific planetary alignment or union that produces extremely powerful consequences. In Vedic Astrology, several Yogas are mentioned, and the outcomes of these Yogas can be both beneficial and harmful, depending on the nature of the Yoga.

Sunfa Yoga and Anfa Yoga are two very powerful Yoga

• Both of these Yogas provide positive effects only when the Moon is in a strong position in the horoscope since a weak Moon prevents these Yogas from blessing the native with the positive outcomes that they bring.

How can I tell if my horoscope has a strong Moon?

• If the Moon is strong in a person's horoscope, then

• Between the 11th 'Tithi' (Date) of the 'Shukla Paksha' (Waxing Phase of the Moon) and the 5th Tithi of the 'Krishna Paksha,' that person is born (waning phase of the Moon).

• The Moon is between 10 and 20 degrees in the sky.

 • Malefic or harsh planets must not be in opposition to the Moon.

• Any malefic house in the horoscope cannot have the Moon as its Lord.

Yoga on Sundays

 • According to Vedic Astrology, if a planet is present in the house next to the home where the Moon is located in a native's horoscope, Sunfa Yoga is established, bestowing prosperity and fame to the native. Chat with Astrologer, it is important to remember that simply placing the Sun in the next house from the Moon does not create Sunfa Yoga. In this situation, another planet must be placed with the Sun to construct Sunfa Yoga.

Sunfa Yoga is produced when the Moon is put in the 9th house of a horoscope and a planet other than the Sun is placed in the 10th house.

• According to its popular description, Sunfa Yoga was extremely common in many people's horoscopes; despite this, the overwhelming of them might not benefit from yoga. Let's take a closer look at what's going on.

• A native must have a positively positioned Moon in their horoscope, as well as a well-positioned planet in the next house from the Moon, to reap the benefits of Sunfa Yoga. If one of the planets is not in a good position, the Sunfa Yoga becomes very weak and incapable of giving the native good benefits.

• Apart from that, the Moon in the native's horoscope must not be conjunct with any malefic planets and must be free of any malefic planets aspects for the Sunda Yoga to be able to shower its auspicious benefits on the native.

Yoga Anfa

Anfa Yoga is generated when a planet is placed in the house before the Moon in a horoscope, according to Vedic Astrology principles. Anfa Yoga bestows good health, renowned, and spiritual progress upon the native.

Anfa Yoga does not form if the Sun is placed in the house before the Moon, just as it does in Sunfa Yoga.

For Anfa Yoga to form properly in a native's horoscope, another planet must be conjunct with the Sun.

Anfa Yoga, like Sunfa Yoga, may only bless an individual with its positive effects if the Moon in the individual's horoscope is not conjunct with any malefic planets and is also free of any malefic planets' aspects.

Sunfa and Anfa Yogas' Effects

If Sunfa and or Anfa Yoga are established in a person's natal horoscope, that person becomes well-known, well-respected, financially secure, merciful, wealthy, and the leader of a community or organizations.

In addition, the individual is endowed with good health and experiences spiritual growth and development throughout his or her life.

These yogas provide natives with a tranquil and comfortable life, and they produce their best results during the "Dasha and Antardasha" of the planets that constitute the yogas.

The Effects of Different Sunfa Yogas Mangal (Mars) Sunfa Yoga is produced when Mars is situated in the same house as the Moon in a person's horoscope. Astrology Advice Online, bestows courage and fortune on the bearer. In addition, the individual becomes the owner of land or property. However, it is seen that a person who practices Sunfa Yoga frequently speaks in a harsh tone.

Buddh (Mercury)

 • Sunfa Yoga is established when Mercury is situated in the same house as the Moon in a person's horoscope. It improves a person's knowledge of religious scriptures, music, and art. Such a person enjoys poetry and possesses a noble character as well as a lovely figure. Everyone admires the person because of his or her nice deeds.

Guru (Jupiter)

 • Sunfa Yoga is established when Jupiter is situated in the same house as the Moon in a person's horoscope. It elevates a person's status in society by making them a master in academic disciplines. The individual is well-off and spiritually inclined.

Shukra (Venus)

• Sunfa Yoga is established when Venus is placed in the same house as the Moon in a person's horoscope. It makes a person a land or property owner, courageous, and well-known by authorities. The individual is intelligent and appreciates the comforts and conveniences of his or her home and vehicle.

Shani (Saturn)

 • Sunfa Yoga is established when Saturn is placed in the same house as the Moon in a person's horoscope. It makes the person a justice-seeker, a diligent worker, and a lucky person.

The Effects of Different Anfa Yogas Mangal (Mars) Anfa Yoga:

• In a person's horoscope, if Mars is placed in the house before the Moon, the result is Mangal (Mars) Anfa Yoga. Mangal Anfa Yoga is then developed. It makes a person the leader of the group in which he works and bestows a bold personality upon him. The person is self-assured and never backs down from a challenge.

Buddh (Mercury)

 • Anfa Yoga is produced when Mercury is placed in the house before the Moon in a person's horoscope. It transforms a person into a lovely person who is skilled in poetry, writing, and music. The individual is a gifted orator who achieves fame in his or her lifetime.

Guru (Jupiter)

• Anfa Yoga is established when Jupiter is placed in the house before the Moon in a person's horoscope. It improves a person's intelligence, focus, and wit. In his or her life, the person is frequently honored by authorities and organizations.

Shukra (Venus)

• Anfa Yoga is established when Venus is situated in the house preceding the Moon in a person's horoscope. It elevates a person's popularity among people of the opposing gender. The individual appears to be well-liked by the authorities and has a fancy automobile or vehicle.

Shani (Saturn)

 • Anfa Yoga is produced when Saturn is situated in the house before the Moon in a person's horoscope. Talk to Astrologer, It makes the individual fortunate, skilled, and driven to work hard in life. So there you have it: a brief overview of the Sunfa and Anfa Yogas and how they can affect a person. However, because there are so many planetary aspects at play in the grand scheme of things, you'll need to have your natal horoscope properly studied by an astrologer to receive an accurate prediction.